Ten steps to a better world
Ten steps to a better world
By Michael Roscoe
A Better World (martinakphotography.com under a Creative Commons Licence)
From Why Things Are Going To Get Worse And Why We Should Be Glad by Michael Roscoe.
Ten steps to a better world
1) We should understand that all wealth comes from the earth. So we should share it as fairly as possible among everyone in the world. We know that true equality is not possible in the real world, but we should try to make it fairer, in the world and in each country. This means we should move away from the extreme free-market capitalism in most advanced economies. We need ‘market-oriented socialism’, to bring the principles of equality together with the motivation of capitalism.
2) The best way to stop more inequality is to create jobs. We need more taxation, but the main aim should be full employment, or as close to this as possible. Work is where we get value from; it is only through work that the natural wealth of the earth can change into real wealth for the people. It is only through work that we can ‘earn’ our share of the world’s wealth. So we must change the economic system from profit for a few people to jobs for many people. We much change from productivity and cheap goods to sustainability and the happiness of future generations.
3) If we want free-market capitalism to work in a global marketplace, workers have to be free to move to where the work is. But this is not practical. This is one of the reasons why capitalism isn’t working any more. We need to cut the competition between countries so we can create jobs everywhere, not only where labour is cheap with no regulations.
4) Globalization will stay – we cannot go back to nationalism and isolation. National borders are artificial. We should see borders as administration, not dividing lines between different peoples; the destiny of the human race is a problem for everyone. So the global marketplace needs a global authority to control policy and regulation, especially about the environment.
5) This global authority could help solve the problems we have now with big global businesses. We have seen how large transnational banks and other businesses can avoid national tax and regulation laws. If world leaders can agree on rules about trade and taxation, it will be much easier to stop companies registering in tax havens and hiding their money offshore bank accounts.
6) This global authority could also start and run a global central bank with a global currency. This currency that would be linked to real wealth creation (through a ‘commodities index’, like gold). This would give money real value again. It would stop the problems with the dollar being both a national and international currency. The global central bank could help countries cancel debt. And a global currency should end most of the problems with currency speculation.
7) Finance should be become less important – it is only one of many useful services; less speculation and more public banks and credit unions, with real bank managers who have a real interest in the local community and can get to know their customers. We can stop the gambling in the shadow banking sector - it is not useful and is part of the problem.
8) We need more regulation, but we also need to keep the rules as simple as possible. The same is true for tax systems. Complexity is bad for everyone, except lawyers and accountants. It is mostly because of the rules are too complex that lawyers and accountants find ways to avoid taxes and regulations.
9) It is essential for all government and business to be completely open and transparent. We must stop all corruption. So individual people giving money to political parties (which is common in some countries) must stop. This only helps the rich people. Also, the democratic process should also be stronger at a local or regional level. People should have a voice and this is the basis of true democracy.
10) Finally, we must return to the real values of real industry. We must make the wealth-creating sectors more important, and understand the need to move away from fossil fuels and finite resources towards raw materials that are sustainable and do not damage the planet. We need to put the money we have made from industry into research and job creation, especially in renewable energy, organic agriculture and ecological construction. We have to get away from the current obsession with making more money from money – which is impossible. If we do all this, it will be more possible that we will solve the world’s problems.
NOW READ THE ORIGINAL: http://newint.org/blog/2014/12/01/ten-steps-better-world/ (This article has been simplified so the words, text structure and quotes may have been changed).