Pollution and tax justice: podcast, video and Prezi
Pollution and tax justice
by Naomi Fowler
Industry is bad for the environment (Steve Snodgrass under a Creative Commons Licence)
Listen to this podcast from the Tax Justice Network Taxcast http://www.tackletaxhavens.com/taxcast/
It talks about:
- why investments are made to developing countries via tax havens
- information about the problems between Spain and Britain about Gibraltar, that others are not reporting
- tax and the environment: make the polluter pay, don’t pay the polluter
- the Carbon Tax in British Columbia, Canada.
The Taxcast is produced by @Naomi_Fowler and is also available on iTunes.
Also, look at the great video and Prezi – they explain more about tax havens: http://www.tackletaxhavens.com/
As this article has been simplified, the words, text structure and quotes may have been changed. For the original, please see: http://newint.org/blog/2013/08/28/taxcast-gibraltar-environment-development/