PODCAST: the Philippines typhoon and Warsaw climate talks
PODCAST: Philippines Typhoon and Warsaw climate talks
by Phil England
After the terrible typhoon in the Philippines, will the people negotiating at the UN climate talks finally wake up and agree an emergency action plan to save the planet? Or do citizens need to fight more against the political elites who are controlled by other interests?
Listen to the podcast: http://climateradio.org/category/climateradio/
Climate Radio talks to Asad Rehman of Friends of the Earth about the possibility of a good result.
Lidy Nacpil of Jubilee South tells us about her experience of the Super Typhoon and how shows the great need for a Loss and Damage fund to help poor countries after a crisis (that they did little to cause).
Mohamed Adow of Christian Aid explains how we can divide up the rest of the safe emissions budget using the agreements from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The programme also includes the speech of Yeb Saño, the Philippines negotiator, on the opening day of the climate talks, when he said he will fast (not eat) for the 12 days of the talks until they can see there will be a good result.
Listen to the podcast: http://climateradio.org/category/climateradio/
Take action
Sign the Avaaz petition: https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Stand_with_the_Philippines/
Donate to the Friends of the Earth in the Philippines: http://www.foei.org/en/what-we-do/land-grabbing/latest-news/please-donate-now-to-friends-of-the-earth-philippines-and-help-provide-relief-to-affected-communities
As this article has been simplified, the words, text structure and quotes may have been changed. For the original, please see: http://newint.org/blog/2013/11/22/typhoon-yolanda-haiyan-warsaw-climate-negotiations/