Our doctors and health workers are dying, we need Personal Protective Equipment now’
'Our doctors and health workers are dying, we need Personal Protective Equipment now’
Healthworker Coronavirus Activist Group are asking for personal protective equipment now and they are asking UK Health Secretary. Matt Hancock, to resign.
Healthcare workers in Kerala wearing personal protective equipment.
Credit: Javed Anees/Wikicommons
Karen Reissmann is a health worker from Manchester. She said, ‘On Thursday 16 April 2020, we are protesting that there is not enough personal protective equipment (PPE) in some of our hospitals, community and social care services.’
‘More health workers are dying every day and we are afraid to come to work. But we are also angry.’
‘The government had three months to prepare. They had smaller stocks of PPE after they decided in 2013 to save money. They were slow to order. And they have a supply system which was slow to buy and deliver equipment when we knew about the pandemic.’
‘We cannot get everything the NHS, carers, and essential workers like bus drivers need.’
‘As we see our colleagues die, we have lost confidence in the government. We call on Matt Hancock, the minister responsible, to resign.’
The group cannot call demonstrations because of social distancing but they will encourage health workers and their supporters to take videos and pictures and put them on Facebook, Twitter using #PPENow #SaveOurCarers #HancockMustGo
They are calling for people to support them and do the same.
(This article has been simplified so the words, text structure and quotes may have been changed)