GUIDE TO THIS MONTH'S ARTICLES - January / February 2019
This issue is about world trade.
Very little is certain in these times of Brexit and Trump’s trade war with China.
We talk to experts and campaigners from around the world to find out exactly what is happening and what the media is not reporting. We look at the problems for countries which are not powerful players and we look at a plan for a better, fairer, more sustainable trading system.
Trade in the world is often unfair and is good only for a few countries and a few companies. Read about plans to make global trade fairer, more open, and greener:
The trade war between the US and China is creating big problems in Latin America, India, and around the world.
Look at these 5 important climate struggles around the world for 2019:
We are producing too many carbon emissions. How can we make very serious and very fast changes to reduce carbon to zero?
In Bangkok there are problems now for street sellers as the authorities are asking them to move away from the market area:
Read about Matteo Salvini, Italy's Deputy Prime Minister, and his dangerous Far Right ideas.
Presidet Bolsonaro of Brazil says he is 'different' but he is against differences. Read about how his ideas are a danger to democracy in Brazil.
Two religious women disagree about the role of religion and politics:
Men in India are saying they feel unsafe now but Indian women have felt unsafe for many years:
More terrible mining disasters in Brazil - why do they not learn? - how are the people suffering?:
Ready Lesson this month: try this lesson to help you argue better, based on the argument about religion and politics in this month's issues, and the argument about aid to Africa in last issue: