
From New Internationalist Easier English Wiki
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The New Internationalist Easier English Wiki is intended to be a constantly evolving resource for anyone learning English and teachers of English all around the world. It is open to everyone - please use it and let us know what you think.

The Wiki has now been turned into a series of 3 short booklets (for Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate and Advanced learners): 'Global Justice in Easier English' - both for self access learning and use in class (eg. on short courses and to supplement course books). For more information and to buy from the Ethical Shop:

Please send us your feedback/get involved. Email: [email protected]

More information about the Wiki and teaching with global issues:

AfricaTESOL conference in Dakar, Senegal, Pre-Conference Event, May 2018:

Opening plenary by Harry Kuchah Kuchah and Linda Ruas:


Workshop by Linda Ruas:


Teaching tip: Circles of life (Linda Ruas):

Media:AfricaTESOL Teaching Tip LR.pdf

Panel discussion about the Whatsapp support project for teachers:

Media:AfricaTESOL panel discussion LR.pdf

SPELT travelling conference in Pakistan, October / November 2017:

IATEFL Hungary, Budapest, October 2017:



Training sessions, London, July 2017:


Workshop at IATEFL conference Glasgow April 2017: "ELT in powerful, authentic global justice contexts"

Training session at Tower Hamlets College, London, 10th February 2017: Grammar in authentic contexts:

Presentation at France TESOL, Paris, 20th November 2016:'Global Justice in ELT: around the world in 60 minutes' (without the photo competition, which was too large to upload!):

Presentation at InnovateELT conference, Barcelona, May 2016:


NATECLA 'Politics, Participation and Prevent' conference November 2015: "Banners and protest chants: a meaningful, invigorating context for language work" : https://prezi.com/q6ayng_evuaz/radical/

IATEFL Manchester conference April 2015: "Around the world in 45 minutes: global justice in ELT" http://prezi.com/5dmozoesstjf/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy

Prezi presentation on "Radical Phonology" for Accentuate NATECLA/IATEFL Pron SIG conference, London 21.2.15: https://prezi.com/q6ayng_evuaz/radical/


Blog on esletc: http://www.esletc.com/2014/07/07/new-internationalist-easier-english-wiki-update/

Blog by Mike Harrison: http://www.mikejharrison.com/2013/01/new-internationalist-easier-english-wiki/

NATECLA news Autumn 2013: (click on the link and scroll down to page 5) http://us4.campaign-archive1.com/?u=251bb99b55142eb85a85a6463&id=7bf8e81bce&e=e357557aae

http://prezi.com/ardpcgrmjphb/global-issues-for-a-global-language/ (Prezi)


About Us

Linda Ruas : after travelling quite a lot and teaching/training in Brazil and Japan, Linda is now training ESOL teachers and teaching ESOL at a London college. Recently she has taught and trained teachers for short periods in Sao Tome and Principe, the Calais migrant camp, refugee camps in Greece, and three cities in Pakistan. She is also Joint Coordinator of IATEFL Global Issues SIG. Here are links to the books Linda has written or contributed to about bringing global issues into class:

John Shepheard : has taught TM, English as a Foreign Language and trained TEFL teachers in the UK and abroad; he has written and presented programmes for the BBC World Service and is the author of five TEFL books including The Anti Grammar Grammar Book, Help with Words, and Teach Yourself Engish Grammar; he was Director of Studies and Teacher Training in three language schools in the UK; until recently, he was training ESOL/EFL teachers in a London Further Education college.